
Many companies have specifications, FAQs, notes, information, and other documentation scattered throughout the organization. A knowledgebase can consolidate all of this information into a unified system. Knowledgebases come indifferent form factors including web pages and content, self-contained formats (such as CHM, etc.), reference manuals, etc. Experience includes:

Microvision (details)

Comprehensive knowledgebase for the Microvision bar code scanner line that included technical information, product details, online user manuals, protocol documentation, programming details, etc. This knowledgebase was used internally, by customers, and by the support staff.

Intermec (details)

Informational knowledgebase used in the Strategic & Government group to aid in writing technical, administrative, cost, and management proposals for large private and government customers. This knowledgebase dramatically cut the time required to create a proposals and significantly increased accuracy.